Daily Life
The regular First Steps preschool hours are from 8.30am to 4.00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. There is no school on Wednesdays.
For the 2-3 year olds, there is a choice between two or four full-days, or between two or four mornings. For the 4-6 year olds they need to be in school for the full four days.
2-3 year olds
Children are guided through various activities during the day, including arts & crafts, story time, songs & nursery rhymes, music & movement, sand and water play, snack time, outdoor exercise, and cookery. The children also follow curriculum-based activities equivalent to the the French national standards, and we provide the corresponding progress reports.
Full-day children bring a lunch box. There is a rest period for an hour after lunch (or longer if the child needs it).
The First Steps parents are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s schooling. Parents are welcome to help with special activities or to participate in cultural events.
Children are not required to be toilet trained in order to be admitted to the school.
4-6 year old program
The Moyenne and Grande Section classes at First Steps follow the French national curriculum so that all our students are ready to move onto CP at whichever school they choose. The students in Moyenne Section work on their pre-reading and writing skills as well as their oral skills through fun-based activities. The students in Grande Section follow the Jolly Phonics (English) method during the first half of the year and Les Alphas (French) during the second half. These programmes help them to develop and expand their reading and writing skills and to prepare them for their future primary schooling as well as our primary Wednesday programme.
Activities throughout the day take place in both French and English. The activities are based around a theme which changes every half term, allowing the children to take their time to explore each theme thoroughly. The classes are structured so that the children work on curriculum-based activities during the morning and focus on sports and art in the afternoon.

What happens on a typical day?
A sample guideline for the First Steps preschool programme daily activities.
Depending on the season, and specially planned events or activities, changes may be made.
We open the doors at 8.30am and welcome the children. Mornings at First Steps include circle time where the children participate in roll call, music, movement and dance, art, building and tactile activities, outside playtime in our private play area (weather permitting), curriculum-based learning, and snack time.
The afternoon begins with lunch time, and the children enjoy their packed lunch sent from home. During this time, we assist the children in developing table manners and skills such as learning to use a cup with no lid. Lunch is followed by nap time. The remainder of the afternoon includes art classes, outside playtime (weather permitting), more curriculum for the butterfly group, general playtime for the caterpillars, music and movement, a light afternoon snack, and circle and story time while waiting for parents to arrive at 4:00pm. We say good-bye, until tomorrow!